The Story of TZEDAQAH TZEDAQAH is a difficult word for English speakers to understand. At first glance it appears to mean something that simply makes no sense -- a combination of charity and justice . In English, charity is voluntary while justice is mandatory. This problem was created when translators incorrectly linked the Hebrew word charity to TZEDAQAH . They should have linked it to loyalty . TZEDAQAH is a combination of loyalty and justice . 1. Loyalty to the community in conduct and honesty. 2. Justice by eliminating things that decrease SHALOM or create disorder in the community. There is a far cry between TZEDAQAH , with its implications of social justice , and the word “ charity .” In the case of “ charity ”, the recipient sees himself beholden to the donor, whose action is voluntary . TZEDAQAH , on the other hand, has to be performed as a matter of obligation and the recipient is in no way indebted to the ...
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