In previous emails I discussed the two dominant power structures in the ancient world. You probably don’t realize it, but these models were hot discussions in corporate board rooms in the late 1990s. Some radical entrepreneurs had been experimenting with them and one was generating unbelievable profits far beyond the other model. Before I will be able to discuss the power structure of Yahweh Elohim, you must understand important differences between Elohim and Yahweh Elohim – the First ADAM and the Second ADAM. Continue reading at - yahweh-elohim-and-the-undivided-adam
K ings of the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Babylonians took what wanted from their enemies and then destroyed them and burned things to the ground. Persian kings had the people they conquered bring tributes to them. Elohim is the king of His kingdom. What does he want members of it to bring Him? Continue reading at - bringing-elohim-our-shalom