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Holocaust Remembrance Day Begins Today – Never Forget These Facts!

The internationally recognized date for Holocaust Remembrance Day corresponds to the 27th day of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar. It marks the anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. In Hebrew, Holocaust Remembrance Day is called Yom Hashoah. This year it begins at sundown Sunday, April 27th.

Never forget the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. "Holocaust" is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire." The Nazis, who came to power in Germany in January 1933, believed that Germans were "racially superior" and that the Jews, deemed "inferior," were an alien threat to the so-called German racial community. [i]

Never forget the role that religion played in the creation of and the failure to stop the Holocaust. In 1933, the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million. Most European Jews lived in countries that Nazi Germany would occupy or influence during World War II. By 1945, the Germans and their collaborators killed nearly two out of every three European Jews as part of the "Final Solution," the Nazi policy to murder the Jews of Europe.

How could one of the worst catastrophes in human history have started in one of the most Christian countries of Christian Europe (94% Christian population), birthplace of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation? Father Michael McGarry, a Paulist priest and rector of the Tantur Ecumenical Institute in Jerusalem articulates this most disconcerting reality:

“We Christians need to remember that studying the Shoah is not simply reading about what happened to the Jews, but what some Christians – some still worshiping, others long drop-outs from the Church – did to the Jews. The Shoah is part of Christian history. It is part of our history if we are Christian. This is frightening, this is sickening, this is, for many, unbelievable. But the first thing we Christians need to recognize is that we study the Shoah because it is part of our history, as well as part of Jewish history. Not only do we study what happened to them but what happened to us Christians. . . .

Nazi terrorism alone did not induce ordinary people to become complicit in mass murder. It was Christianity’s long history of Jew hatred. It was anti-Judaism that enabled Christians to assent willingly to Nazi eliminationist anti-Semitism. Among the causes of the Holocaust are:

● An evil, amoral, and charismatic leader
● Chaotic post-WWI conditions
● Popular discontent
● Masterful use of propaganda
● A brutal totalitarian regime (intolerant central government)
● State sponsored terrorism
● The fog of war - diminishes cultural taboos (theft, torture, rape, murder)
● Sadism (enjoyment in being cruel)
● Careerism (values success in career above all else)
● Anti-Judaism (religion) / anti-Semitism (race)
● Fear of Judeo-Bolshevism Jews are driving force behind Communism)
● Extreme nationalism / patriotism
● Paralysis of will
● Unquestioning obedience to authority
● Lack of moral guidance
● Failure of conscience
● Widespread culpability, complicity, and indifference

Jews ponder the Holocaust and rightly ask: Where was God? Christians must do the same, but also ask: Where were we Christians? And where was the Church? It was not only the perpetrators who were guilty, but also the accomplices and bystanders.”[ii]

Never forget how one political party used the system to control and eliminate those it deemed as the enemy or undesirable. Are you familiar with the Nazi concentration camp badges?[iii] They were primarily triangles and were part of the system of identification in Nazi camps. A lot of people do not realize how the Nazis used this system to get rid of anyone they deemed undesirable. Pay close attention to who wore the single triangle badges below:

● Red triangle—political prisoners: social democrats, socialists, trade unionists, Freemasons, communists, and anarchists.

● Green triangle— "professional criminals" (convicts).

●Blue triangle—foreign forced laborers, emigrants.

●Purple triangle—primarily Jehovah's Witnesses, and members of other Bible Student groups.

●Pink triangle—primarily homosexual men, as well as sexual offenders including rapists, paedophiles and zoophiles.

●Black triangle—people who were deemed "asocial elements" and "work shy" including:
●Roma (Gypsies), who were later assigned a brown triangle
●The mentally ill
●Vagrants and beggars
●Conscription resisters
●Some anarchists
●Drug addicts

Uninverted red triangle—an enemy POW, spy or a deserter.

See the badges and read more about them at --

Never forget the role that multinational corporations played in the Holocaust. Edwin Black is the son of Polish Jews who were survivors of the Holocaust. His mother Edjya, from Białystok, had only managed to survive the Holocaust when as a 12-year old in August 1943 she was pushed to safety by her mother and other prisoners through the vent of a boxcar en route to the Treblinka extermination camp. His father as a young man had escaped his murder by successfully fleeing to the woods from a long march to an isolated "shooting pit" and had subsequently fought the fascists as a Betar partisan. The pair had survived World War II by hiding in the forests of Poland for two years, emerging only after the end of the conflict and emigrating to the United States.[iv] Mr. Black wanted to know how his mother came to be in that boxcar at that time. What he discovered is shocking. He has written several books about it. Below are his words:

“For IBM, Hitler’s Reich represented an immense source of profit. Indeed, from the first moments of its strategic relationship with Germany, beginning in 1933, the Reich became IBM’s largest overseas customer. . . Working hand-in-hand with the Nazis, a massive, door-to-door national census was undertaken throughout Germany in 1933. . . This required IBM engineers to design and print millions of compatible punch cards and paper forms, assemble and train an army of secretaries to punch in data, and deliver large numbers of machines – sorters and tabulators – and ensure that the settings could read the data properly. Finally, IBM had to produce the clear, printed results that the Nazis desired. The Nazis were amazed. But identification was just the first step. . . .

Once Germany’s Jews were identified, the second solution the Nazis sought was to effectively oust them from ever segment of society. Lawyers, judges, doctors, teachers, merchants, traders, government officials, journalists, musicians, employees of all types, even members of organizations such as auto clubs and gardening groups were all caught up in the cross-comparison of directories, membership books, rosters, and other lists. . . .

The labor index created for the labor and extermination camps required a five-digit Hollerith (IBM) number for each prisoner. The number was tattooed on their arms so they could be read easily, even when their dead bodies were placed in piles. . . .

IBM never sold their machines to the Nazis. It leased them. IBM was paid monthly – right through the war years. IBM New York maintained strict control over the location and use of their machines. . . The last monthly rent check was given by a Reich representative to a U.S. Army officer in occupied Berlin in 1945. He told the Army man, “Please give this check to Mr. Watson.”.  . .

Why did IBM do this? It was never about the anti-Semitism. It was never about National Socialism. It was always about the money.[v]

Read more about Edwin Black at --

Learn more about the history of the Holocaust at --
Never forget by learning the facts about the Holocaust
and teaching them to the next generation and the uninformed.

[ii] The Holocaust, The Church, and the Law of Unintended Consequences By Anthony J.  Sciolino © 2012 iUniverse, Bloomington, IN; pp. x, 2, 135.
[v] Nazi Nexus: America’s Corporate Connections to Hitler’s Holocaust By Edwin Black; pp. 130, 132, 142, 154 & 160.


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