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Showing posts from 2023

Guess Who Was in Abraham’s Bosom?

  The man in Hades called out to Abraham and asked him to send Lazarus to Hades to comfort him. Abraham refused. The man in Hades asked Abraham to send Lazarus to the home of his five brothers and tell them about what happened to him. Again, Abraham refused. But there was another very rich man in Abraham’s Bosom – and sin affected generations of Israelites. Continue reading at -

Why Wasn’t Lazarus Worth a Few Crumbs Falling on the Floor?

  This is part two of “The Parable About Lazarus and the Rich Man.” The rich man died and is in Hades. He is having a discussion with Abraham, who is another place with Lazarus (who is also dead). The rich man wants Abraham to send Lazarus -- with a wet fingertip -- over to Hades to comfort him. Abraham refused. The conversation continues in this email. Continue reading at -

Another Jewish Afterlife Parable by Jesus

  “Contextual definitions” cut through the theological maze. In my previous email I discussed the requirement for nations entering into eternal life. That’s a very important thing to know. This time we are going to explore another parable about the afterlife, but this one is about individuals. Compare them to your beliefs and consider how afterlife beliefs affect the ways people live their everyday lives. Continue reading at -

Exploring the Link of Righteous to Eternal Life

  “Righteousness” is one of the most important words in Christianity and “TZEDAQAH” is one of the most important words in Rabbinic Judaism. The teachings of Yeshua aka the Jesus of History linked them together, while teaching important wisdom principles and values. The words were also the foundation of a values-based relationship of a preacher and a rabbi – Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and me! Continue reading at -

Exploring Jesus: Salvation and The Great Day of Judgment Parable

  The Great Day of Judgment and the Kingdom of God are linked together by Jesus in this famous parable (Matthew 25:31-46). At that time n o form of modern Christianity existed – Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, or “cut-and-paste Jesus / Christ / Holy Spirit” religions, etc . His sacred writings were separate Hebrew scrolls, not writings in one book. He spoke Hebrew, not English. His lived in Galilee, not the United States. He never taught any Christian salvation doctrine. Should Christians ignore what Yeshua the Real Jesus taught? Could an atheist benefit from what he taught? Continue reading at -

Exploring Jesus: Making the Invisible Drivers of Human Behaviors Visible

  Soon after sending my previous email, I became aware of new information regarding the October 7 th attack on Israel by Hamas. I could not believe that I haven’t heard anything about it on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, or PBS. If I hadn’t been involved in celebrating Hanukkah, writing these Exploring Jesus emails, and exploring biblical heritages since 1999 -- I might have missed it too! Hanukkah is the beginning of a demonstration on the part of the Jewish people that they would not go down without a fight. It is the first recorded instance in the history of a war conducted purely and solely in defense of religious freedom. On October 7, 2023 Israel was challenged once again by multiple groups at the same time. Continue reading at -

Exploring Jesus: The Gospel of Matthew

  Around 90 CE, the Gospel of Matthew was written. Once again, the name of the author doesn’t appear in the Gospel. The birth of Jesis is recorded in Matthew 2 and his movement begins in chapter 4. Wise men from the East came to Jerusalem . Be sure to note that Bible does not say “ three wise men.” There could have been two or twenty or three. There are no shepherds or multitude of angels. And in this story Jesus lives in Bethlehem not Nazareth. Continue reading at -  

Exploring Jesus: The Relationships of the Gospels of Mark and Luke

  When I lead tours to explore Jesus, there is always a big “ elephant in the room ” that most people can’t see – and the few that see it will not talk about it . However, we must talk about it so everyone can see it. What do you see when you hear “ the Gospels or Mark and Luke ”? Almost everyone sees “ two books that are in the Bible .” No Bible existed when the Gospels of Mark and Luke were written. Continue reading at -

Exploring Jesus: The Gospel of Luke

  Mark began with a grown man, Luke begins the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Shepherds were in a field guarding their flocks when an angel appeared. The angel said, “ Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Anointed One of Yahweh .” And then a multitude of the heavenly host joined the angel, praising God and saying: “ Glory to God in the highest, on the earth SHALOM , in men acceptance .” Your English translations do not say that – and it is one of the most important clues about the Jesus movement in the   Bible! Continue reading at -

Exploring Jesus: The Gospel of Mark

  The idea of Exploring the Bible and Biblical Heritages came from one of the first live streamed broadcast on Facebook – Safari Live . A tour guide was sitting in the driver’s seat of a jeep and a camera person was sitting on a raised platform in the backseat. This tour is for anyone that has Belief Models linked to Jesus – Christian, Jew, atheist, etc. You need to know what your own beliefs are, be “brain hackers” and “propaganda makers” that bought your profile from social media sellers know more about your Belief Models than you do. This series of emails will give you quick tours of Jesus in the four Gospels in the New Testament. Continue reading at –

Empowered to Change Our Crazy and Conflicting World

  In my previous email I asked you to consider the differences between cave dwellers and smartphone users separated by 191,700 years. I pointed out that their DNA would be the same and it would produce identical bodies and organs, including brains. Anything that you can name has a corresponding belief model in your brain. A belief model is like an app on a smartphone. When something that a person can name catches their brain’s attention, the belief model is activated. Their actions were driven by instincts. We are immersed in an invisible Infosphere full of misinformation, propaganda, and weaponized information produced by nations, religions, corporations, criminals, and other individual users. Continue reading at -

From the First Farmers to Muslims

In 10,000 BCE (25,000 years after the first cave paintings), the Ice Age had ended, and the world became warmer and wetter, and the climate became more stable. By 9500 BCE there are the first signs of domesticated plants and the first farmers. After 8000 BCE there are the first signs of domesticated animals and shepherds. And then about 7,500 years later, a scroll of the Torah (first five books of the Bible) was carried from Persia to Jerusalem. 1,000 years after that, the first Muslims appear. In this article you will discover how those dates are connected. Continue reading at -  

Rights Without Morals Are Killing Our Democracy

  October 7, 2023 is a day that will be remembered in Israel like September 11, 2001 is remembered in America. Interesting, there is a link between the events that most Americans are not aware of. On October 7, 2001 airstrikes targeting Al-Qaeda and the Taliban had begun in Afghanistan. For Hamas and other Islamic terrorists’ groups, it has another meaning – it was the beginning of the war they won against America. By October 30, 2023 pro-Palestinian anti-Israel protests were taking place around the world. Find out what Earth Day 1970, John Rawls, and a Supreme Court Justice have to do with those protests. Continue reading at -

A New Way to Protect Lives and Strengthen Societies

  Reporters use the modern generic English word “God,” instead of the names Jews, Christians, and Muslims use -- Yahweh, the Trinity, and Allah. If reporters used the correct names, their reports would place the credit or blame on identifiable groups. The differences in their “gods” have been a primary factor in many of the wars that Jews, Christians, and Muslims have fought against each other for many centuries. There is a way to resolve this problem! Continue reading at -

Discover the Primary Drivers of Wars

  An article I read in a science magazine stated that for the last 191,700 years, humans like us have lived on the earth. DNA samples and archaeological discoveries played key roles in the research behind the statement. There is a 171,700-year gap in which all we know about humans comes from archeological discoveries. 20,000 years ago, some Ice Age individuals adorned an assortment of surfaces across France and Spain with representations of regional prey animals, from bison to birds to fish. 14,500 years after the representations in the caves were made, the earliest confirmed form of writing was made -- 3,000 years before the Second Temple in Jerusalem was built.   Continue reading at -

The Call for Our Generation: See The Shootings!

  When people around the world heard what happened on October 7, 2023, and began seeing pictures and videos about what happened they knew something evil had taken place. People that were usually on polar-opposite sides of issues agreed on that. Hamas said that the above things were not true, even though they posted videos of the crimes themselves on social media. Propaganda creators know that “ the attention spans of Americans are measured in seconds and minutes .” They have been “flipping the script” with weaponized misinformation since then – most Americans are completely unaware of it. Continue reading at –

Using UCFCs to Accurately Explore the Bible and the Attack on Israel

  One day after the attacks people around the world were trying to process what happened. one week later, American college campuses had students protesting against Israel’s response to the attacks -- “Israel is committing genocide! Israel is violating human rights.” This is a situation in which the skills we use Exploring the Bible and Biblical Heritages come in handy. A very important skill is identifying and tracking “ unintended cascading factual consequences ” ( UCFC ). There are always multiple versions of an event and endless speculations . Continue reading at -

Reality Checks About Israel and America

  A word is a group of symbols with an attached bundle of associations . This is a very important guideline we use to explore the Bible and Biblical Heritages. “ Israel ” is a word that has been in languages around the world for thousands of years. Most people connect the word “Israel” to the Bible, but they know very little about Israel today. Look at these maps and numbers – then think would happen to Israel without the support of the United States and other nations. Continue reading at –

Hate, Hate Crimes, Anti-Semitism, and Race

  Today, making accurate distinctions between hate, hate crimes, anti-Semitism, and race is very important. Hate is regarding other people with extreme ill-will, having a passionate aversion to them, or treating them as an enemy. The word "crime" in “hate crime” is often a violent crime. “Anti-Semitism” and “race” are much more complicated. Scientists today, using powerful computer technologies, know much more about humans as genetic creatures. Continue reading at -

Praying With the Kingdom of Heaven Mindset

  I had memorized the words of the Lord’s Prayer and prayed it many times. But I was taught that after I said, “ Amen ” – I had finished my part . Now everything is in God’s hands . I can now move on to the next thing on my “ To-Do List ” or my “ Prayer List .” But I discovered that “ Amen ” for Jesus and his disciples signaled the beginning, not the end. Now they are obligated to actively participate in answering the prayer! Do not pray the Lord’s Prayer until you know the meaning of the Hebrew “ HINEINI . ” Continue reading at -

The Jewish Prayer Jesus Taught His Disciples

  The New Sanhedrin had been making decisions about what a “ Judaism without a Temple and Priests ” will be. They ruled that prayers would replace sacrifices. Therefore, understanding the processes associated with offering sacrifices must be understood. Presenting sacrifices at the Temple was called AVODAH – divine service . There were two kinds of sacrifices (obligations) presented at the Temple, so they created two kinds of prayers. The prayer Jesus taught his disciples was also a communal prayer . This is probably the most well-known prayer in the world today! Continue reading at --

Understanding the Mindset of the Disciples of Yeshua

  From the time of Moses until 70 CE, except for a few decades, the Israelites and their descendants could go to a temple and “enter into the presence of their God.” In 70 CE the Romans destroyed it. That created a lot of chaos in the lives of the Jewish people, which included followers of Yeshua aka Jesus. However, through the new Sanhedrin created by the Roman Emperor, another way to “enter into the presence of God” emerged. The followers of Jesus completely agreed with it. Continue reading at –

The Most Jewish Gospel in the New Testament

  In the 10 years between Luke’s report and the writing of the Gospel of Matthew , things had changed. What we see in Matthew confirms that Luke’s report had been widely circulated. During that time, many Jewish and Gentile must have become familiar faces at local synagogues. The followers wanted to use their disciples’ skills on the teachings of Jesus and the Gospel of Matthew met that need. Continue reading at -

The Big Surprise in Luke’s Report

  Luke did as Theophilus asked and wrote a two-volume report. The first volume is the Gospel of Luke . He focused on the life and teachings of Yeshua aka Jesus. The second volume is now called “ The Book of the Acts of the Apostles .” It begins with the resurrected Jesus spending 40 days with the apostles and members of his family. The question of “ should Gentiles be required to be circumcised in order to be saved ” had created a great controversy in Antioch. Paul and Barnabas were told to go Jerusalem and ask the leaders of the Jesus Movement for a ruling. It contains a big surprise! Continue reading at -

The Black Swan Event in Jerusalem in 70 CE

  Thanks to Jeff Bezos, the creator of Amazon, people around the world learned about black swan events. A black swan event is a single improbable event with enormously far-reaching consequences. The destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE was the black swan event. However, I believe a major factor related to this black swan event is overlooked by those engaged in “hindsight analyses.” Imagine life in America if the internet was suddenly destroyed and the nation’s government no longer existed – that’s what it would have been like in 70 CE! See how the Yeshua aka Jesus Movement responded. Continue reading at -

Jesus Teachings About Salvation and Eternal Life: Part 1

  The teachings of the “ Original Jesus ” are found in the New Testament books Matthew , Mark , and Luke . His movement was a Jewish sect that he founded around 27 CE and he led the group for either one year or three years . He was executed by the Romans for violating a Roman law. His name was “ Yeshua ” and he taught orally in the Hebrew and Aramaic languages. He left no writings. Today we are exploring The Great Day of Judgment in Matthew 25. Continue reading at –

Americans Enjoying Having Open Honest Conversations About Anything?

  I created the Linguistic Guideline to help people more accurately discover the meanings of words in the Bible. Later I created the Primary Guideline to provide rules for members of our meetings to follow, so they would explore instead of defending their beliefs. The two Guidelines totally changed the environment of our meetings. Two unexpected consequences emerged as people used them. Safe open environments in which honest discussions took place and that increased transparency in everyone’s belief systems. Continue reading at -

Learning How to Live Life Before Death First!

  For over 2,000 years people have been hearing, reading, and studying the Bible. People from all nations, not just Israel, are familiar with acts of evil , like those described by Isaiah and Ezekiel. But they do not understand what the “ I will ” statements mean. Why had I never heard this before? It was unknown in my Christian religion. Until then, I believed that all God wanted me to do was “ believe the right things .” Continue reading at -  

Which Version of the Garden in Eden Story Have You Been Taught?

  People with Christian Biblical Heritages are taught a very different story about the Garden in Eden. Let’s begin by reviewing the Garden in Eden story. Three changes in the story make it impossible to see the original story or discover its ancient wisdom lessons. See which version you have been taught. Continue reading at -

The Trial of Adam and Its Cascading Consequences

  It is important to understand that Yahweh is the owner of the Garden. When Eve took the forbidden fruit and ate it -- they took Yahweh’s property without His permission . In addition, they also broke a dietary commandment – they ate prohibited food . So, unfaithfulness to Yahweh, stealing His property, and eating a prohibited food are all part of the charges against Adam. Yahweh’s breath will leave the bodies of Adam and Eve. Their bodies will lose their shape, form, and become dirt again. And there is more! Continue reading at -

The “I Never Noticed That Thing Before” Trial

  A snake told Eve that humans would acquire the knowledge of God simply by taking a bite of fruit. But God had told them that if they ate that fruit, they would die. Adam was standing right beside her the whole time – he did or said nothing. Eve took a bite, gave it to Adam, told him to take a bit, he did, and guess what they discovered – they noticed something they had never noticed before and made some loincloths. God showed up and wanted to know what was going on -- Adam threw Eve under the bus! Continue reading at --

Two People, a Religious Serpent, and Concrete Actions

  In ancient texts serpents are often linked to magic, omens, spells, bewitchment, and divinations . This wild animal speaks! It seems to be religious because its acting like a preacher telling people what God says. The man and woman are subtle, shrewd, clever, crafty, and cunning. What will happen when two humans come face-to-face with this serpent? Continue reading at -

The ADAM is No Longer Alone!

  If your translation of the Bible says that “ God created women to be helpers for men ,” your translation is simply WRONG ! The Hebrew text says, “ A woman is an ` ETZER KENEGDO .” Continue reading to find out what those Hebrew words mean; it could change your life and relationships -

The First Time a Human Speaks in the Bible

  Yahweh did TOV by giving the ADAM a commandment that will protect his life. However, Yahweh also gave the ADAM the freedom to eat the fruit of a tree that will cause him to begin to die. Yahweh also said that “being alone is NOT TOV (good) for the ADAM”,   but He did NOT say, “ being alone is RA (evil) for the ADAM. ” Find out what the ADAM said, and more. Continue reading at -

The Location of the Tree of Life

  Yahweh formed ADAM in one place and planted a garden east of that place. The garden is in a place named Eden. Yahweh took ADAM to the garden. An unnamed river flowed from Eden into the garden and became four rivers that flowed out of it. The Tree of Life is the garden. So why is that tree so important. Eternal life is the reward for eating its fruit. There were lots of “Tree of Life” stories in the ancient world, but the Bible’s story is very different. Continue reading at -

Joining the Game of Acquiring Ancient Wisdom

  For ancient audiences, this story was known as “ The Wisdom of the Creator .” It was the most valuable information of all. They used it to guide them in their daily lives. They also knew that they needed it to discover more ancient wisdom principles that are embedded in the stories that follow it. The people hearing the scribes read were not sitting straight rows silently listening to an authority figure. In many ways it was like a game, in which the audience listened for things that scribes intentionally highlighted. Continue reading at -

The Big Picture of TOV

  It is no accident that the word TOV appears seven times in the First Story in Genesis. This is a scribal technique designed to highlight key words in a context. TOV is one of the most important words in the Hebrew Scriptures. Being aware of the Big Picture of TOV will help you more accurately understand the stories that follow the First Story in Genesis – and the teachings of the Jewish Jesus . Continue reading at -

The Big Picture of the First Wisdom Story (Genesis 1:1-2:4a)

  This is a quick overview of the first story in the Bible. My goal is to make you aware of relationships and functions of things the Creator created and made. Being familiar with this story is a perquisite for understanding the stories that follow in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and the teachings of the Jewish Jesus (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). The stories that follow will also provide insights that help you better understand this story. You will discover time-tested values, wisdom principles, and life standards that will benefit 21 st century lives now – and you will become aware of belief models you didn’t even know you have. Continue to read at -

The Alliance: Divine Commitment and Human Obligation

  In 1876 Assyriologist George Smith published the first English translation of Enuma Elish. In the 20 th century more accurate translations were published, as well as many other stories from those ancient cultures. This is important because associations of Hebrew words in the Torah are linked to Babylonian and Persian stories. This is how we discovered the link of the Hebrew word elohim and the Allianc e. If elohim does His part, and the humans fulfill their obligations, the outcome will be friendship, peace, good relations, and material well-being of the parties. Continue reading at –

Time Tested Wisdom for Living Real Lives

  For those who are over 25 years old (your brain has reached maturity) and you have had some memorable adult relationships (good and not so good), you will probably relate to some of the characters in the wisdom stories of Genesis. I thought I would learn a lot about God, but apparently the Creator wanted us to learn about humans. Continue reading at -

Making Invisible Belief Models Visible

  An amazing thing happens when people with belief conflicts sit down and do this exercise together. They both learn more about “their own beliefs” -- and that ends the conflict! Why? It is because things that hadn’t known about their own beliefs move from the subconscious level to the conscious level of the brain. Continue reading at -

Infants, Belief Models, and Universal Morals

  It is something we are all born with. At birth, babies are endowed with compassion, with empathy, with the beginnings of a sense of fairness. Every normal person has a sense of right and wrong, some appreciation of justice and fairness, some gut feelings that are triggered by kindness and cruelty. called “genetically hardwired rudimentary belief models.” Even though people are not aware of them, they are still embedded deep with the brain’s neural networks. Continue reading at -  

Introduction to Our Amazing Super-Complex Brains

  DNA created the brains of everyone mentioned in the Nuremberg series. It is the control center for all human thoughts, realities, and behaviors. You have an opportunity to learn things that were not discovered until the 21 st century . This is absolutely “ need-to-know ” information for Americans today! Continue reading at -

Life: The Priceless Miracle

  Did you know that every living thing on earth exists because of a four-letter code? Did you know that 3 million species make up one thing – life on earth -- and they are interconnected and interdependent on each other? Did you know that our genome has 3 billion letters and a mutation in a single letter caused sickle-cell anemia? Did you know that all humans are 99.9% genetically the same? Understanding what we are is the first step to better and safer lives for all of us. Continue reading at -

Nazis, Catholics, Protestants & Belief Conflicts

  The stories of the three men above make it clear that what happened in Nazi Germany is part of Christian Biblical Heritages . However, Explorers of the Bible and Biblical Heritages quickly learn to ignore the umbrella term “ Christians .” The total population of Germany in 1939 was 79,375,281 : 42,862,652 ( 54.0% ) Protestants and 31,750,112 ( 40.0% ) Catholics . Many Protestants and Catholics have not view each other as “ legitimate Christians .” Did their religious belief systems produce behaviors that protected or destroyed lives? Continue reading at -

Lives 1st Values: Trained & Mentored By My Parents!

  What began as a political party functioning as political parties do in a democratic republic changed dramatically when its leader gained control of the nation’s institutions of government – especially those that were legally authorized to use physical and deadly force . No theologies or beliefs about supernatural creatures involved. Homes are the training centers of ADAM (collective) and ADAM (individuals). Continue reading at -

Remember What Happened in Nuremberg

  In 1919 after World War I, The Constitution of the German Empire was adopted and the German Empire became Republic governed by a constitution. In 1935 Adolph Hitler’s Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor changed everything. Nazi leaders were later judged as war criminals, but, according to the laws of Nazi Germany, these crimes were fully legal acts, done in obedience to laws that were decreed and approved in a perfectly democratic way. What moral absolutes apply when nobody can be trusted? Continue reading at -

The Order of Creation: Part 1

  We all know that words like God mean different things to different people. But very few Bible readers consider the possibility that their meanings for “heaven” or “earth” could be wrong. Interestingly, by the time we explore the first ten verses in the Bible, they are faced with the challenges of updating their belief models for those common words. But exploring this story makes it possible for us to acquire ancient wisdom that will help us live better lives! That makes this wisdom not only important, but also very valuable! Continue reading at –

Light: The Creator’s Gift to the Entire Creation!

  Traditionally, this is called the “creation of light,” but in verses that follow, the Creator will speak again, but nothing will be created. Therefore, we shifted our focus to the Hebrew word translated “light.” The Hebrew word has two additional meanings, other than “light.” Continue reading at -

Life: The Five Mysteries of the Beginnings

  The Bible’s Wisdom of the Beginnings opens by revealing five mysteries in the first two verses – and a foundational principle. These are unknown to most readers of English translations. It is very clear that the Jewish Jesus knew and taught them. Continue reading at -