Shame must be understood in the context of group culture.
Shame implies a failure to live up to internalized parental and larger
societal goals, i.e. what a person "should be like".
The shamed person experiences his/her failure as a lowering of personal
dignity in the eyes of the group and fears ridicule, contempt or expulsion.
the first chapters of Genesis on, we see humankind struggling to resolve
interpersonal and intergroup conflict. The stories depict characters wrestling
with powerful and sometimes contradictory impulses.
Personal and group destinies
can only be truly fulfilled
through membership in
the larger units of family, tribe, and nation.
see similar conflicts in the story of Adam and Eve. Readers have the advantage
of knowing about God’s blessing of humans in the first story. We know “what God
created humans to be like.” We also know what Adam and Eve did.
He was supposed to guard and protect her. He failed.
They were supposed to work together. They failed.
He was supposed to accurately communicate God’s commandment to her. He didn’t.
He should have responded to the snake like a shepherd would have. He didn’t.
She should not have given him the forbidden fruit. She did.
they “had done what they should have,” according to God’s blessing, their
destinies would have been very different.
Jewish Scriptures, things like salvation, redemption and divine
judgement take place in the context of the group.
Christians generally say, “My sins have been forgiven and I
have been saved.”
Observant Jews say, “We must do TESHUVAH when we sin,
and we will be redeemed in the future.”
view sin in a “individual” context. Sin is something that
affects the sinner’s life and destiny. Observant Jews view sin in
the “group” context. Sin is something that affects the sinner’s life,
other people’s lives, and the group’s destiny.
is important to know that in the Garden of Eden story, the Hebrew word
translated “shame” is in the hothpael verb form. This means
that “the action is performed on or for oneself.” An example of this is seen in Ezekiel 38:23:
Thus will I magnify
myself, and sanctify myself;
and I will be known in
the eyes of many nations,
and they shall know
that I am Yahweh.
this in mind, below is an updated translation of Genesis 2:24:
And they were both subtle,
shrewd, clever, crafty, and cunning,
the man and his woman;
and they had not
shamed themselves.
snake was more subtle, shrewd, clever, crafty, and cunning than Adam and
Eve, but the snake didn’t shame them – they shamed themselves. Before
I continue with the Garden of Eden story, I want to make sure your understand something
that is extremely important about the snake (Genesis 3:1).
And the snake was more subtle,
shrewd, clever, crafty, and cunning
than any beast of the
field which Yahweh the god had made.
snake is “a beast of the field” which God made. The snake exists
because God wanted it to exist. It is there because God put it there. It is acting
according to the “nature of beasts of the field.” The snake is not “Satan.”
in the 2nd century CE, Gentile Christian leaders including Justin
Martyr, Tertullian, Cyprian, and Irenaeus begin to reinterpret the
Garden of Eden story and replace the snake with Satan. However, it was Augustine
in the 5th century CE that completely changed the story to this.
and God are involved in a cosmic battle over the souls of all humans. Adam's sin was
transmitted by concupiscence, or "hurtful desire;"
resulting in humanity becoming a massa damnata (mass of perdition,
condemned crowd), with much enfeebled, though not destroyed, freedom
of will. When Adam sinned, human nature was thenceforth transformed.
Adam’s sin has been passed down to all of his descendants. They are “sinners”
when they are born!
belief is called “The Fall of Mankind” and “Original Sin.” It
is the foundation of all modern Christian religions. However, most
people are not aware of these facts.
Original Sin is not found anywhere in the Bible.
Christianity had no doctrine of Original Sin prior to the 4th century CE.
What would Christianity
today be like without Original Sin?
will return to the Garden in Eden story in my next email. Thanks
for Exploring Biblical Heritages with us and please share our emails with
Jim Myers
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