This is
one of the most Jewish – and most famous
– teachings of Jesus. It begins with a Pharisee,
who is also a lawyer, asking Jesus a
question to test him.
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Torah?”
Jesus said to him:
“’You shall love Yahweh your God with all
your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your mind.’
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like
‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
On these two commandments hang all the Torah
and the Prophets.”
Matthew 22:35-40
at the graphic above and you will see that the Hebrew letters are hanging from
the line above them. When we write English words, we set the English letters on
a line. In both languages, the line serves the same purpose – it supports the words hanging from it or
setting on it.
“The Torah and the Prophets” are the
names of the first two sections of the Jewish Bible today. They were two
different groups of scrolls in the first century. The point Jesus made was
These Two Commandments are the Line
That God hung all of the words of the Scriptures on:
Without “loving God with all of your heart
and loving your neighbor as yourself,”
the words of the sacred scriptures collapse.
simply repeated the Creator’s Vision
& Values for Humanity we saw in Genesis 1, but he did it in his own
Protect and preserve your life and your neighbor’s life,
make your life and your neighbor’s life more functional
and increase the quality of your life and your neighbor’s
if just people that value the words of their Bibles did this:
A lot of people would not be destroying and threatening each
other’s lives,
making each other’s lives less functional, decreasing
each other’s quality of life
and creating chaos instead of order in the world!
would like to know how many of the people creating the chaos we are witnessing
today "believe in the God in Genesis" or "believe
in the Jesus of Matthew, Mark and Luke?"
you for reading this. Please share and discuss it with others.
your life be blessed with an abundance of TOV,
Jim Myers
Jim Myers
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