I use the phrase “ Yeshua, the Jewish Jesus ” to distinguish between the person that lived in the first century who was named “Yeshua ” and the person they read about in the New Testament called “Jesus” and “ Jesus Christ ” and “ beliefs about Jesus ” that were created centuries after the Romans executed him. I think there are a lot of people, Christian and Jewish , that have a “ Pre-K understanding ,” like I used to have, about what “ Christian and Jewish ” mean. I was an ordained minister and I viewed 2,500 years of history as the histories of two religions – Judaism and Christianity . Back then I viewed “ Jesus as the founder of Christianity ” and “ the Jews as the people that opposed Jesus .” In other words, my whole reality was built around “ my beliefs about Jesus .” In order to know what “ The Jewish Jesus ” means we have to view Yeshua in the context of the world in which he lived and know what “Christianity” was like in the second and third centuries CE . T...
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