[ As you read the following article, keep in mind that the Nazis acquired power in a democratic nation with a population that was 94% Christian. Neither democracy nor Christianity is enough to prevent something like this from happening again. Individuals must also have shared core values that place life as the highest value and top priority, along with a shared standard to judge human actions by – we recommend the TOV Standard. ] According to his interrogator at the Nuremberg war trials, the commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss, appeared “normal,” “like a grocery clerk.” Prisoners who came across him at Auschwitz confirmed this view, adding that Höss always appeared calm and collected. There is no record of him ever personally hitting – let alone killing – anyone at the camp. Höss lived with his wife and children in a house just yards from the crematorium in Auschwitz main camp, where some of the earliest killing experiments were conducted using the poisonous insecticide Zykl...
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