Rev. Wonderful (Haha!, Get it? ’Cause he’s really not
“wonderful?”) enjoys the untempered adulation of the adoring masses. He’s
introduced as the "most loved man in America. So what makes the “Reverend”
so “Wonderful,” so nationally beloved and respected? He’s theologically
liberal, of course. (Because, you know, all the famous preachers are liberals.
They all have megachurches and television empires and political machines.) Unfortunately,
though, it’s precisely his theological liberalism that leads God to run Rev.’s
sorry butt back through the pearly gates and cast him “into the lake of fire
forever.” So, you might be wondering just what is this liberal poltroon’s great
sin against God and the Christianity on behalf of which this tract offers its
voice? What has consigned the Reverend to eternal perdition? Why, it’s his
preaching, of course. Just listen to the evil spewing from his mouth:
God cares about souls, but He [sic] also cares about SOCIAL JUSTICE …
the poor and needy! We must UNITE to fight ignorance
and bigotry”
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