economic system is profoundly broken. To anyone paying attention, that much is
clear. But what’s less clear is this: Our approach to fixing the economy is
broken as well. The whole notion of “fighting corporate power” arises from an
underlying belief that there is no alternative to capitalism as we know it.
Starting from the insight that capitalism has become virtually a universal
economy, we conclude that our best hope is to regulate corporations and work
for countervailing powers like unions. But then we’ve lost before we begin.
We’ve defined ourselves as marginal and powerless.
is another approach. It’s bubbling up all around us in the form of economic
alternatives like cooperatives, employee-owned firms, social enterprises, and
community land trusts. . . In the generative economy, ownership is rooted
instead in the hands of stakeholders connected to the life of the enterprise.
In some cases, these are employees. They can also be community members, as with
municipally owned electric plants and wind installations. In the case of credit
unions, the depositors are the owners.
complete article at -- http://www.yesmagazine.org/issues/9-strategies-to-end-corporate-rule/can-there-be-201cgood201d-corporations
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