tiny stone markings fill a space of no more than half an inch. But what they
say – and could mean – may speak volumes for our understanding of early
into a 2,000-year-old limestone ossuary (bone box) in a tomb in the Jerusalem
suburb of Talpiyot, the markings are part of a larger image that has already
ignited a war of words among archaeologists, historians and religious thinkers.
a new element seems certain to rekindle the furor: tiny markings encrypted in
the head of the “fish” that, according to some epigraphers, spell the name
Yonah, the Hebrew version of Jonah.
complete article at --
sure to watch -- The Resurrection Tomb Mystery – on Discovery Channel on April 12th
April 12 Discovery Channel will take a trip into the world of theology with the
world premiere specialThe Resurrection Tomb Mystery. In a thrilling CSI-style archeological
/theological study, filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici and Professor James B. Tabor,
with the permission of the Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA), use a
specialized robotic camera to explore the tomb’s contents, capturing incredible
images of early Christian art including a depiction of Jonah being spat out by
a whale. This art predates the earliest Christian symbol in the catacombs of
Rome by at least 200 years, and is contemporary with Jesus’ apostles.
in Thursday, April 12 at 10 pm Eastern & Pacific – 9pm Central.
For more info go to --
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