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Showing posts from January, 2016

Restoration work begins on bodies of those who died when Vesuvius engulfed Pompeii

Entombed in ash for more than 1,900 years, the tragic story behind this haunting image of what appears to be a child resting on its terrified mother's stomach is a step closer to being revealed.   Restorers are working on the carefully preserved plaster casts of 86 of the Romans trapped in Pompeii in 79 AD following the deadly eruption of Mount Vesuvius, including a child seemingly frozen in terror. One haunting image shows what appears to be a child resting on the stomach of an adult. It is estimated that anywhere between 10,000 and 25,000 residents of Pompeii and nearby Herculaneum were killed on the spot. See the amazing pictures and read complete article at –

Why the Real Yeshua?

Why the Real Yeshua? The answer is because believing as usual is no longer an option. Over the past few years, I have written a lot about the “ Real Yeshua ” and have been asked why I don’t call him “ Jesus Christ ” instead? Today, I would like to share some of the most important reasons. The first reason I call him “ Yeshua ” is “ Jesus ” wasn’t his name. No one ever called him “Jesus” until around the time Columbus discovered America that Christians. So, that’s the reason I call him “Yeshua” and I think he would like for everyone with Belief Systems that focus on him to do the same. Wouldn’t you agree? Another reason I call him the “Real Yeshua” is because of how my readers would react if I used the name “Jesus” in the things I write. It is essential for each of us to understand how the human mind works. It has protection systems that functions like firewalls on computers and smartphones. To download the PDF version of this issue of Discovering the Bible & Our Biblical Heritages...

10 things you (probably) didn't know about Ancient Egypt

The land of the pharaohs is famous for its huge pyramids, its bandaged mummies and its golden treasures. But how much do you really know about ancient Egypt? Here, Egyptologist Joyce Tyldesley shares 10 lesser-known facts . . . They did not ride camels . . . The living shared food with the dead . . . . Read the complete article at –

What was Life in Ancient Egypt like?

Egypt’s pharaohs have left an impressive legacy of stone architecture, monumental inscriptions and religious art, allowing us to reconstruct their achievements with a fair degree of certainty. But what was daily life like for the ordinary Egyptian? Egyptologist Joyce Tyldesley shares 10 lesser-known facts about the ‘ordinary people,’ family, religion . . . . Read the complete article at --

When Politicians Use Christianity in Their Speeches – Beware!!!

Being a senior citizen that has seriously studied history regularly for over 30 years now, I have become aware of patterns that may have grave consequences when they are repeated. When politics, government power authorized to use force and a politician that proclaims his “ Christianity ” combine – bad things happen . Below are quotes of a political candidate who was running for a high government office in a democratic Christian nation.  Pay close attention to his use of Christian terms in his public speeches. Remember these quotes when you hear candidates today use them similarly. My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these ( enemies ) for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who – God’s truth! – was greatest, not as a sufferer, but as a fighter. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profo...

Yeshua’s Shabbat Torah Readings for 01/30/16

It was Yeshua’s custom to attend a synagogue every week and he would have heard or participated in the reading of the scheduled portion for week. It would have been followed by a reading from the Prophets or the Writings. Below are the readings for this Shabbat, which begins at sundown on Friday January 29 th and ends on Saturday the 30 th . This week’s readings are: Exodus 18:1 – 20:23 Isaiah chapter 6 Isaiah 61:6-10 According to the Jerusalem Council that is recorded in Acts 15, the first non-Jewish members of the Yeshua Movement were instructed to attend a synagogue every Shabbat and learn from these readings. Visit the Yeshua Torah Reading Schedule Page – click here . If you find this information beneficial, please let me know by going to our Real Yeshua Facebook page and “LIKE IT” -- click here  . We would appreciate your financial assistance too -- for information or to make an online donation -- click here . Shalom! Jim Myers

Traffic Signs in the Biblical Text

Working with ancient Hebrew and Greek manuscripts is a very different experience from reading an English translation of the Bible, not only because of the languages involved, but because of the punctuation marks and chapter breaks. Our minds view punctuation marks and chapter breaks in the same ways it views traffic signs. This affects how translators view and understand the words of they write in their translations of the Bibles billions of people depend on. Read the complete blog at --

Rabbi, tell me why I should go on living.

In a previous blog I shared some quotes from Rabbi Harold Kushner’s latest book, Nine Essential Things I’ve Learned About Life . I want to share another story from the book. It is a conversation Rabbi Kushner had with a woman and her husband who came to him for counseling. The session opened with her asking him this question – “Rabbi, tell me why I should go on living.” Read the complete blog at --

What does Create mean?

“In a beginning a mysterious ELOHIYM created . . .” What does “ create ” mean to you? When we look it up in an English dictionary, we find this definition -- to cause to exist; bring into being. [1] A widely held religious doctrine linked to this verse is called creation ex nihilo , which is a Latin term that means -- to create from nothing . [1] The two definitions above seem to be in agreement. But, we must keep in mind that the ancient Hebrew text we are working with was written long before English, Rabbinic Judaism or Christianity came into existence. Read the complete blog at --

In a Beginning ELOHIYM

ELOHIYM (pronounced EL-O-HEEM ) is the transliteration of the Hebrew word above. It appears many times in the Hebrew text and is usually translated “God” and everybody knows what that word means – right?  Wrong! Making that assumption is a very big mistake. Our goal is to let the Hebrew text tell us its story. We must make sure we resist the temptation of projecting our BS (belief systems) into it . Read our complete blog at --

Going to the Synagogue with Yeshua

The fact that many of the accounts about Yeshua recorded in the Synoptic Gospels were originally meant for Jewish readers becomes very clear as you learn more about the Late Second Temple Period and Jewish culture of the first century CE. What the biblical text says is very important, but for non-Jewish readers to fully grasp what is taking place, it is often more important to learn what the text doesn’t say. The reason the authors left those things out is that their intended audience clearly understood them and therefore there was no need to repeat them. About twenty years after Yeshua was crucified, a controversy took place concerning non-Jews who wanted to be members of the Yeshua Movement. Some of the members insisted that non-Jews must convert to Judaism and be circumcised in order to join. Others disagreed. Read the complete article or download it in PDF format at – CLICK HERE . Go to the Compressed Torah Reading Schedule of Yeshua – CLICK HERE .

Right to Believe & Responsibility to Examine

In “A” Beginning

The Wisdom of the Beginnings opens with this: “ In a beginning . . . ” What just popped into your mind? The thing that stood out to us was the “A.” How did the translators of your version of Genesis 1:1 translate it? The common translation “THE.” “ In A beginning . . . ” “ In THE beginning . . . ” What’s the difference? Which one is the correct one? Read the complete blog at --

God Is Not a Man Who Lives in the Sky

Nine Essential Things I’ve Learned About Life by Rabbi Harold S. Kushner is a book I would recommend. Rabbi Kushner’s writings have helped many people through very difficult times in their lives, especially his famous book When Bad Things Happen to Good People . In that book, he chronicled the experience of being with his sick and dying child, Aaron, who had one of the world’s rarest diseases, progeria (the “rapid-aging” syndrome). I discovered how inadequate the traditional perspective was that I had grown up with and had been taught, that God has His reasons, which we cannot comprehend or judge. It neither made sense of the suffering nor offered us much in the way of comfort. If I was to continue to serve as a rabbi and to honor my son’s memory, I would have to find a better explanation . (p. 6) The second chapter of Nine Essential Things I’ve Learned About Life is called God Is Not a Man Who Lives in the Sky and he shares some things he believes and doesn’t believe about...

Bible Expert's Surprising Findings About Jews and Judaism Revealed in the New Testament

It's well known that Christianity sprang from a Jewish context. While there may be controversy about Jesus' Judaism vs. the traditional Judaism of the Sanhedrin, the ruling body of Judaism in the first century, there's no doubt that Jesus, his family, and followers were practicing Jews, as recorded in the New Testament. Biblical scholar Lawrence H. Schiffman, Judge Abraham Lieberman Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies and Director of the Global Network for Advanced Research in Jewish Studies at New York University (NYU), takes this understanding to a new level. He identifies citations in the New Testament that others have glossed over without recognizing their unique significance.  Read the complete article at --

TZADAQAH the Most Important Word of the Real Yeshua

TZADAQAH ( RIGHTEOUS )   is a very important word in the teachings of Yeshua --  “ . . . but the righteous (will go) into eternal life”   (Matthew 25:46b).   In Matthew 25, Yeshua used " righteous "   to describe those who   fed the hungry ,   clothed the naked ,   gave drink to the thirsty ,   visited the sick , etc. Today, most Americans use the word “ charity ” to describe acts such those. There is a far cry between the meanings of TZADAQAH and CHARITY. Make sure you know the difference and please share this with others so they will understand the cornerstone message of the Real Yeshua. Go to The Real Yeshua’s Vocabulary at -- If you like “ The Real Yeshua’s Vocabulary ” please “Like” our Real Yeshua Facebook Page at -- – and share this information with others.

Who Made Early Christianity?

Who was Paul, the man who self-identified as “an apostle” (e.g., Gal. 1:1) and “a servant of Jesus Christ” (e.g., Rom. 1:1)? Who was this Paul who could boast of his circumcision, of his membership in the people of Israel and the tribe of Benjamin, of his lineage as a Hebrew, and his Pharisaical posture toward the Law (Phil. 4:5), yet who could declare it all irrelevant when compared to “the value of knowing Christ” (Phil. 4:8)? Was he a faithful Jew with a particular approach to living in the ways of his ancestors, or was he an apostate who created a new cult?  Read the complete article at --

What did SHALOM mean to the Real Yeshua

We have added a new section to the Biblical Heritage Center website – Yeshua’s Vocabulary . The first entry in this section is “ SHALOM .” Find out what it meant to the Real Yeshua at -- If you like “Yeshua’s Vocabulary” and look forward to new words being added, “Like” our Real Yeshua Facebook Page at --   – and share this information with others. Shalom, Jim Myers

Deadly Religious Beliefs & Those Little Shoes

Rebuilding the Biblical Heritage Center website is bringing back a lot of old memories, especially those about events that changed the course of my life. I (Jim Myers) just added the story of “The Little Shoes,” a story that some of you have heard many times. But if you haven’t heard it or it has been a while, take a moment to read it. It is very important for me to make sure people never forget those little shoes. The event took place in 1990, a few months after I became a grandfather for the first time. I was sitting in my study flipping through a magazine when I first saw the picture that changed my life. Be sure and share it with others too. See the little shoes and read my story at –

Bible Study Tools Section Added to Website

We just uploaded our Basic Bible Study Tools to the BHC website. You will find what you need to study the Bible in English, Hebrew, Greek or Latin – Hebrew & Greek texts, interlinear texts, dictionaries, encyclopedias and different English translations .  Always remember that these tools are at your fingertips on your computer or smartphone in the “Bibles” section of our website --

New Beliefs Database on BHC Website

A new section you will find on the new BHC website is called “Biblical Heritages.” An important feature of that section is “Belief Systems.” In it you will find the chronological appearance of beliefs in Jewish and Christian Belief Systems. This will be an ever expanding database, but a preview of what to expect is now online. The second century CE was a period in which the central figure of a growing number of new sects in the Gentile world was Christ. People from Gentile cultures struggled as they dealt with a belief that was completely foreign to them – monotheism – and how and where the Christ figure fit into it. In addition, in this period Jewish scriptures were also introduced to Gentiles and they struggled with how to fit Gentiles into writings in which they were not “God’s chosen people.” Check it out at --

New Real Yeshua Section of Website

I am in the process of rebuilding the Biblical Heritage Center website in order to make more user friendly for smartphone users -- . You will find a new Real Yeshua section on it at -- . 

Digging up the Past in 2016: What Archaeologists Expect to Find

Skeletons from ancient royalty, mysterious artifacts and even hints of biblical cities and manuscripts continue to intrigue the professional archaeologist and enthusiast alike. Though archaeology digs into humans' past, Live Science has decided to look ahead at what historical mysteries and bones may be revealed in the year ahead. Here are six archaeology stories to watch for in 2016. See pictures and read the complete article at --

Why People Are Confused About the Earliest Christian View of Resurrection of the Dead

Another great blog by James Tabor that provides readers with a great opportunity for not only becoming aware of ancient texts related to the subject, but also on how those texts are read. And, as I said in the previous blog, regardless of one’s beliefs, this provides important insights about how one should examine his or her beliefs. In the religiously polarized environment in which we live today, unexamined religious belief systems are no longer acceptable. Everyone has a right to believe what they want, but if those beliefs affect the safety and quality of life of others – those beliefs must be examined . There is a lot of confusion among Christians today–as well as among Jews and secularists for that matter–as to what the term   resurrection of the dead means, whether as applied to Jesus and the Easter event, or more generally to humankind at the end of days. Most often the notion of resurrection of the dead is confused with a somewhat different Greek idea, the   immo...

How Faith in Jesus’ Resurrection Originated and Developed: A New/Old Hypothesis

James Tabor’s blog “ How Faith in Jesus’ Resurrection Originated and Developed: A New/Old Hypothesis ” provides readers with a great opportunity for not only becoming aware of ancient texts related to the subject, but also on how those texts are read. Regardless of one’s beliefs, this provides important insights about how one should examine his or her beliefs. In the religiously polarized environment in which we live today, unexamined religious belief systems are no longer acceptable. Everyone has a right to believe what they want, but if those beliefs affect the safety and quality of life of others – those beliefs must be examined . It (the Resurrection) makes perfect sense to read the New Testament in its current order. The four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John introduce us to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The book of Acts gives us the early history of Christianity, ending with the career of Paul. The letters of Paul and the other apostles, Peter, John, James...