Does God make people blind from birth to prove a point?
Does God make a child blind from birth because of his parents sins?
Or, does God make a person blind from birth because of sins he or she committed in a past life?
Many years ago, Dr. Ike Tennison and I were working with the Greek text of the Gospel of John. Ike, who had also been my professor of Classical Greek at the University of Texas at Arlington, pointed out that the earliest manuscripts of the text were written in letters that were all capitals, in columns, without any chapter, verse, sentence or word breaks. The text we were working on that day presented us withe options described in the three questions above. Interestingly, Jesus was also faced with those options in the text we were translating. What do you think?
Does God make a child blind from birth because of his parents sins?
Or, does God make a person blind from birth because of sins he or she committed in a past life?
Many years ago, Dr. Ike Tennison and I were working with the Greek text of the Gospel of John. Ike, who had also been my professor of Classical Greek at the University of Texas at Arlington, pointed out that the earliest manuscripts of the text were written in letters that were all capitals, in columns, without any chapter, verse, sentence or word breaks. The text we were working on that day presented us withe options described in the three questions above. Interestingly, Jesus was also faced with those options in the text we were translating. What do you think?
Read the complete article at -- http://www. 0713DTB_Does_Bible_Teach_ Divine_Blindness.pdf
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