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The Invisible Rulers Who Are Trying to Manipulate Our Minds

The father of the modern profession of the “spin doctor” was Edward Bernays. In the opening paragraph of his 1928 book, Propaganda, Bernays wrote (underlines added for emphasis):

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

In his book Crystallizing Public Opinion Bernard reveals some very interesting conclusions about the public:

(1) It is axiomatic that men who know little are often intolerant of a point of view that is contrary to their own.

(2) Personal attack supersedes logic.

(3) Intolerance is almost inevitably accompanied by natural and true inability to comprehend or make allowance for opposite points of view.

The workings of the gregarious instinct in man result frequently in conduct of the most remarkable complexity, but it is characterized by all of the qualities of instinctive action. Such conduct is usually rationalized, but his does not conceal its real character.

We may sincerely think that we vote the Republican ticket because we have thought out the issues of the political campaign and reached our decision in the cold-blooded exercise of judgment. The fact remains that it is just as likely that we voted the Republican ticket because we did so the year before or because the Republican platform contains a declaration of principle, no matter how vague, which awakens profound emotional response in us, or because our neighbor whom we do not like happens to be a Democrat.

In the above example you can switch the words Republican and Democrat, but the results are the same. If we are aware of the core assumptions that the spin doctors use to craft the messages that they hope will manipulate the masses to do what they are being paid to get them to do – we will see exactly how they view those masses:

If they use personal attacks on opponents, instead of factual differences about issues, then they view their target audience as “people who know little” and “people who are unable to comprehend other points of view.” If they can pull the audience’s emotional strings or link the opponent to someone that is disliked, then they greatly enhance their goal of manipulating the public mind. There is, however, an unintended consequence of this strategy. Intolerance incites violence. What begins as the propaganda of spin doctors can produce violent acts against those who one side or the other feels should no longer be tolerated.

Install a “firewall” to keep the “viruses of the mind” that the spin doctors are creating to manipulate you, out of your mind. Understand what is actually taking place in the high tech world today. Get the facts about the issues and understand the differences between the proposed actions of each side. Most of all, however, identify the one unspoken prize that both sides are trying to obtain – follow the money. Who makes or loses money on this issue?

Install a “firewall for your mind” and cut the “emotional strings” of the “invisible rulers.” An empowered and informed public is the greatest nightmare of the spin doctors that want to manipulate us so we vote for their candidates, buy their products, or dance to whatever tune they happen to be selling today. 


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