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Showing posts from March, 2025

The Universal Genesis Alliance

  Aspects lists are found in multiple ancient cultures of the Middle East. This accumulation of aspects serves to produce a sense of understanding of the field as a whole and provide wisdom for making decisions and judgments. These lists are part of legal documents called Alliances and Covenants. Continue reading at -

Establishing Justice and Maintaining Order Together!

  The last positively identified Akkadian text comes from the 1st century CE. The ability to read the Akkadian language faded into the distant past until 1767 CE, 9 years before the Declaration of Independence. The Stele of Hammurabi was discovered in 1901. It would be another century before it before its relationship with the Bible would be heard by people outside the circles of scholars. Today it is helping us better understand the Bible. Continue reading at -

How Did We Get Here?

  One can point to multiple trends that knocked down our wiser selves. Traditional institutions that have drawn us together around more noble purposes have been overtaken by political messages. The “ Greatest Generation ,” which filled our country with a sense of moral purpose after World War II, is gone. Civility has largely broken down. Differences of opinion have now become occasions for unleashing vitriol, identifying those holding alternative views as not just misguided but evil and dangerous. Continue reading at -