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Showing posts from January, 2024

Forgiveness and Prayer

  Make sure you note that Jesus linked “ eating to forgiveness .” His point was “eating is a basic requirement for the body to survive and forgiveness is a basic requirement for the Kingdom of God to survive! God’s forgiveness, however extensive, only encompasses those offenses which man commits directly against Him. Those in which injury is caused to one’s fellow man are not forgiven by God until the injured party has himself forgiven the perpetrator. Continue reading at -

Representing the Creator in His Kingdom and Temple

  What if every Christian and Church knew the following every time they prayed the Lotd’s Prayer? They were the Creator’s Representative on Earth -- Their work is to represent Him as the Priest of His Temple & representing Him as King of His Kingdom. What if they knew there cannot be love when one does not care. Caring is the foundation of love, but caring is not an emotion – caring is an action! Did you know it! Continue reading at   -

May Your Will Be Done

  The next line of this prayer is: “ May Your will be done on earth as above the Sky. ” The phrases “ Your Kingdom ” and “ Your will ” are two parts of the same idea – His Kingdom is governed by His will . Obviously, there were many kingdoms on the earth when Yeshua taught his followers to pray. Which kingdom is he talking about? Every follower who heard Yeshua knew the answer to that question. Do you? Continue reading at -

A Day in the Lives of Members of the Original Jesus Movement

  No matter which Christian Biblical Heritage we explore, we always end up in the same place – the original Jesus Movement . If you have been reading my emails for very long, you already know his name was “ Yeshua ” and his movement was called “ The Kingdom of God .” The Pharisees and Yeshua’s Kingdom of Heaven Movement were very similar, and they were by far, the most popular and the largest. Being part of his movement was not like religions today. Continue reading at -

Empowering My Family and Friends ~ Instead of Saving the World!

  The scribes of the Temple in Jerusalem were sources of the Wisdom of the Creator of the Skies, the Earth, and Life . It is impossible for a person to obtain an understanding of one’s place in the design and purpose of living without a humble approach to the Creator. The place the Creator designed for each person is called, “ FAMILY ” – a father, a mother, and a child . In our world, “family” seems to begin with a very simple need — a sexual attraction . In the first two stories in Genesis, humans were created by the actions of ELOHIM and Yahweh ELOHIM. The stories in Genesis are all about families. Continue reading at -

Navigating the Matrix of Divine Names in the Bible

  The meaning of the word “ God ” is something I never would have questioned in the church I attended with my family and friends until I graduated from high school. Of course, I would have never questioned the meaning of “ Heaven ,” either. I was taught that “Heaven” was “the place people go when they die.” Back then, if someone had told me that in Genesis 1:1 -- “Heaven is a solid dome-like structure located beneath the surface of deep water, and the earth is inside it!” – I would have thought the person was crazy!!! I had been wrong – “but wrong felt like right!” Continue reading at -

The Hidden Wisdom in Genesis

  The first ten chapters of the Book of Genesis was originally an Ancient Temple Scroll. It was written for descendants of exiles from Judah who were still living in Babylon, and for those who had returned to Jerusalem to work on building the new Temple. The histories and genealogies that are similar to those on clay tablets – also have some very important differences . I will use this method to discover hidden wisdom in the opening words of the Garden in Eden Story. Continue reading at -

Introduction to the Biblical Heritage Center and the Journey.

  I have written a lot about Biblical Heritages, but I have not written anything about the Biblical Heritage Center, Inc. in a long time. I wrote “ Through Their Eyes . . . Your Gateway to Freedom ” which contained “ The Laws of Language .” It became the guide I used to introduce people to what I believed “ had to be the greatest discovery in history! ” It didn’t take long to learn that most people do not want me “ messing with their BS ” (Belief Systems). I completely understood where they were coming from, because I used to be just like them. BHC is an educational organization that trains people on how to increase transparency in religious, political, and economic belief systems – while creating TOV values-based relationships, too . Continue reading at -

The Temple and Kingdom of Creator -- and ADAM.

If I had just only been reading and studying English translations of the Bible, I would have never seen what the ancient readers of the Hebrew text saw. Just as if you were able to communicate with those ancient readers and told them about astronomy , individualism , and human rights – they wouldn’t understand anything you said! I am pretty sure 21 st century American meanings of temple, kingdom, and Creator are not the same as those of ancient readers. So, discover the ancient “meaning of the word “Creator.” Continue reading at -

Make Sure You Know What God Created ADAM Means!

In the first story in Genesis, “ ADAM ” is a Hebrew word. It is not the name of the man in “ The Garden of Eden Story .” ADAM is made “ in the image of God. ” Today, the phrase “ image of god ” is not part of our everyday language. Everywhere in the ancient world it was very common. Continue reading at -  

Understanding the Power of Persuasion and the Biology of Believing

  The focus of this series of emails is on how to protect families and their friends from attacks of weaponized information – and from a polluted infosphere we live in today . We have combined ancient biblical wisdom with 21 st century science. It works in a World of Places and a World of Purposes. The power of persuasion is linked to the biology of believing. Understanding the concept behind the biology of believing is so simple, my elementary school granddaughter saw it before I did! My 30+ years journey with Dr. Ike Tennison, Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor, and a number of a very special family members and friends, led to the discovery of a way to protect brains from “bad information.” Continue reading at -