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Showing posts from October, 2023

Reality Checks About Israel and America

  A word is a group of symbols with an attached bundle of associations . This is a very important guideline we use to explore the Bible and Biblical Heritages. “ Israel ” is a word that has been in languages around the world for thousands of years. Most people connect the word “Israel” to the Bible, but they know very little about Israel today. Look at these maps and numbers – then think would happen to Israel without the support of the United States and other nations. Continue reading at –

Hate, Hate Crimes, Anti-Semitism, and Race

  Today, making accurate distinctions between hate, hate crimes, anti-Semitism, and race is very important. Hate is regarding other people with extreme ill-will, having a passionate aversion to them, or treating them as an enemy. The word "crime" in “hate crime” is often a violent crime. “Anti-Semitism” and “race” are much more complicated. Scientists today, using powerful computer technologies, know much more about humans as genetic creatures. Continue reading at -

Praying With the Kingdom of Heaven Mindset

  I had memorized the words of the Lord’s Prayer and prayed it many times. But I was taught that after I said, “ Amen ” – I had finished my part . Now everything is in God’s hands . I can now move on to the next thing on my “ To-Do List ” or my “ Prayer List .” But I discovered that “ Amen ” for Jesus and his disciples signaled the beginning, not the end. Now they are obligated to actively participate in answering the prayer! Do not pray the Lord’s Prayer until you know the meaning of the Hebrew “ HINEINI . ” Continue reading at -

The Jewish Prayer Jesus Taught His Disciples

  The New Sanhedrin had been making decisions about what a “ Judaism without a Temple and Priests ” will be. They ruled that prayers would replace sacrifices. Therefore, understanding the processes associated with offering sacrifices must be understood. Presenting sacrifices at the Temple was called AVODAH – divine service . There were two kinds of sacrifices (obligations) presented at the Temple, so they created two kinds of prayers. The prayer Jesus taught his disciples was also a communal prayer . This is probably the most well-known prayer in the world today! Continue reading at --

Understanding the Mindset of the Disciples of Yeshua

  From the time of Moses until 70 CE, except for a few decades, the Israelites and their descendants could go to a temple and “enter into the presence of their God.” In 70 CE the Romans destroyed it. That created a lot of chaos in the lives of the Jewish people, which included followers of Yeshua aka Jesus. However, through the new Sanhedrin created by the Roman Emperor, another way to “enter into the presence of God” emerged. The followers of Jesus completely agreed with it. Continue reading at –

The Most Jewish Gospel in the New Testament

  In the 10 years between Luke’s report and the writing of the Gospel of Matthew , things had changed. What we see in Matthew confirms that Luke’s report had been widely circulated. During that time, many Jewish and Gentile must have become familiar faces at local synagogues. The followers wanted to use their disciples’ skills on the teachings of Jesus and the Gospel of Matthew met that need. Continue reading at -

The Big Surprise in Luke’s Report

  Luke did as Theophilus asked and wrote a two-volume report. The first volume is the Gospel of Luke . He focused on the life and teachings of Yeshua aka Jesus. The second volume is now called “ The Book of the Acts of the Apostles .” It begins with the resurrected Jesus spending 40 days with the apostles and members of his family. The question of “ should Gentiles be required to be circumcised in order to be saved ” had created a great controversy in Antioch. Paul and Barnabas were told to go Jerusalem and ask the leaders of the Jesus Movement for a ruling. It contains a big surprise! Continue reading at -