In Galatians Paul calls his gospel “ The Gospel of Christ ,” thus those who believe “ The Gospel of Christ ” were called “ Christ -ians .” Paul made it very clear that his gospel was not like any other gospel . In Galatians 1:11-12 we read: The gospel which was preached by me is not according to a man , because I neither received it from a man , nor was I taught it (by a man) , but (I received it) through a vision (revelation) of Jesus (the) Christ . Paul, unlike the Saul in Acts, does not describe that experience – so do not project Saul’s words into this story . Paul opened Galatians (1:1) with a claim that sets him apart from the other apostles -- his “apostleship” is completely different . Paul, not an apostle through men nor through a man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Jesus Christ from the dead . The other apostles received their apostleships prior to the resurrection. None of them were given “ The Gospel of Christ .” Accordi...
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