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Showing posts from January, 2020

You probably do not know what you were created to do!

The Kingdom of the Creator is a “ Kingdom of ADAMs .” “ ADAM ” is a Hebrew word that traditionally is translated man , mankind , or Adam (the name of a man). But, we must also be aware of “ meanings defined by the context ” in which a word appears. In this case, the contextual meaning is more accurate than traditional options. However, most Bible readers have never heard that meaning. Continue reading at --

The Creator did His Part: Now It’s Up to Humans.

The author of the First Story the Bible divided the story into three distinct periods. 1. From the creation of light through the creation of the two humans (completed actions). 2. The Creator’s blessing of the humans (completed actions). 3. The fulfillment of the Creator’s blessing by humans (incompleted actions) . There are important things members of the ancient audience saw in the story that modern readers cannot see. Continue reading at --

Some things creatures “created in the image of God” need to know about each other and their DNA.

Every year the entire Babylonian society was reminded of where everyone belonged and how they related to each other -- gods, kings, members of the kingdom and foreigners . The king was reminded of his responsibilities to the gods, his subjects and foreigners. And the entire society learned how their king should act! Continue reading at --

Why Did Our Kingdom Fall? Why Didn’t Yahweh Protect Us?

Why Did Our Kingdom Fall?  Why Didn’t Yahweh Protect Us? Abraham’s descendants no longer controlled the land Yahweh had given to Abraham. Yahweh’s temple had been destroyed too. Ezra and his team of scribes wanted to find answers to these questions. The book of Genesis contains the answers they found. Continue reading at --

Let God out of the Religion Box when you read the Bible.

In the ancient world, gods were as much a part of everyday realities as smartphones are today – physical signs of gods were everywhere in ancient cultures . Gods were not neatly compartmentalized and stored away in “ religion boxes .” Therefore, when we try “ to see the words of the Bible through the eyes of their ancient sources ” we must view them in light of all aspects of life. Continue reading at --

Belief in the Resurrection of the Dead: Where Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity Come Together.

That is not broadly grasped. Recently a prominent biologist reported that “ a scholar at a religious conference ” told him that “ what little Judaism has to say about the afterlife is only there because Christians asked them .” But, according to Bruce D. Chilton (Christian scholar) and Jacob Neusner (Jewish scholar), “ That is far from the truth .”   Continue reading at –

Before you deal with beliefs about God consider beliefs about the Earth.

When I even hint at questioning beliefs about God, some people instantly unsubscribe from this list! That doesn’t surprise me because for centuries Christians were taught that “ unquestioning obedience ” was God’s will! So today, I am going to focus on a much less threatening belief model than beliefs about God – belief models about the Earth . We often find them in the same contexts with beliefs about God. Continue reading at --

How do Your Beliefs about God compare to Stories about God in your Bible?

Three religions have belief models for their gods that are very similar – Judaism, Christianity and Islam . All three belief models are monotheistic and mutually exclusive . Since the Bible is the most ancient body of information about god -- shouldn’t belief models of god be in harmony with what the Bible reveals about god? Continue reading at --

A New Way to Deal With Religious Conflicts! Will You Take the Pledge?

Obviously, attempting to resolve religious conflicts between people who ignore facts , refuse allow anyone to question the way they see things , and refuse to change when errors are discovered in their beliefs – will not lead to good outcomes . In Christianity we have had almost 2,000 years of people fighting and defending their “ irrefutable god realities. ” Now we have new options for creating a very different future! Read about them at --

Letting the Words of the Bible Tell Their Own Stories.

That is a guideline we have been using since the mid-1980s. “ Letting the Bible tell its own story ” often creates challenges to our personal belief models . Are the first two stories in the Bible simply two versions of the same story? Do “ Jesus is LORD ” and “ Jesus is Lord ” mean the same thing? Continue reading at --

Who Created “Good” and “Evil”?

How important is it for people to understand what “ good ” and “ evil ” mean? For those of us with Christian Biblical Heritages, evil is a very important word . In the King James Version of the Bible the word “ evil ” appears 613 times . “ Good ” appears 720 times . I found this very interesting, because I heard a lot more about evil than I did about good in the church my family attended when I was growing up. That really stood out at the end of every church service when “ the invitation ” was given. It was an opportunity for “ lost ” people to be “ saved .” Why were they lost and why did they need to be saved? Continue reading at --

The Home: The Creator's Training Center

When the Creator created the Heavens and the Earth in the first story in Genesis, He created one institution to govern it. It was not a religious or political institution. It was the family. Before He created humans He provided all of their basic requirements of life. Continue reading at --