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Showing posts from May, 2013

Picking and Choosing: How Scholars Read the Gospels

Dr. James Tabor's latest blog provides great insights about how scholars come up with their interpretations and views about the meanings of the messages of the Gospels.  "When it comes to a critical reading of our New Testament gospels and other related texts one can get the impression that scholars end up rather arbitrarily `picking and choosing' whatever they want–especially in trying to construct their portraits of the `historical Jesus.' In other words, as Albert Schweitzer cautioned long ago, all too often historians seem to come up with a Jesus made in their own image, so that texts and traditions they favor are retained whereas those they disfavor are discarded as unreliable. In fact, I would argue that more often quite the opposite is the case. Many of those who claim simply to “take the Bible as it is,” without any critical discernment of sources, traditions, and historical contexts actually end up as the ones who quite arbitrarily fall into this trap of sub...

Created in the Image of the Creator

ELOHIYM is the transliteration of the Hebrew word that is usually translated “God” by translators. But, since “God” can mean different things to different readers -- YAHWEH, Jesus or Allah (these clearly are not simply different names for the same entity) -- I decided to use ELOHIYM instead . Who is ELOHIYM? Everything we know about Him in the context of the account is recorded in the twenty-five verses that preceded the above quote. ELOHIYM is the creator and maker of: light, a solid dome structure, dry ground, seas, plants, trees, water creatures, flying creatures, and animals . He names things and determines their functions . ELOHIYM measures all of His work by the TOV Standard . In order to understand who we are – we must first understand who He is. Chances are that the answer isn’t the one you might be expecting. Read the complete article at --