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Showing posts from October, 2011

The Perfect But Imperfect Noah

Rabbi Dr. Eugene Korn is editor of Meorot: A Forum for Modern Orthodox Discourse and the American director of the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation in Israel. His article on “The Perfect But Imperfect Noah” is very interesting an informative. “Noah was a righteous man; perfect in his generation.” As many students learn in their first Torah classes, the phrase “in his generation” gave our Rabbis license to fling open the gates of interpretation. Some saw it as additional praise for Noah, while others saw it as a criticism of his righteousness: perfect “in his generation” — but, evidently, not in the generation of Abraham or Moses. What is this rabbinic ambivalence all about? Noah provided the Rabbis with a central idea in Judaism. The Torah paints a generally negative picture of gentiles (think of Genesis, where Abraham’s neighbors are immoral pagans, or Exodus, where they are Egypt’s cruel slavemasters; in Leviticus, gentiles engage in abominable practices l...

When did Christianity stop being a Jewish sect and become its own religion?

How old is Christianity? When did it stop being a Jewish sect and become its own religion? New archaeology discoveries of churches are crucial Biblical archaeology findings that help answer those questions. But when did Christianity begin to build these churches? Early Christian gathering places are difficult to identify because at first Christians met together mostly in private homes. Even as Christian populations grew, distrust and persecution by their Roman rulers forced the early church to stay out of the public eye. Read complete article at --

Religion, Anger & Murder

Do you think Adam and Eve ever told their sons about the “good old days in the garden”? According to the account in Genesis there were only four people alive at that time – Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel. So, what did they talk about? It doesn’t seem like Adam and Eve would have had a large variety of prior experiences to draw upon, even if they did live hundreds of years back then. By the way, how large would their vocabularies have been anyway? I wonder if Adam and Eve ever had any arguments or quarrels after leaving the garden.   Do you think the boys ever heard dad say to their mom, “If you just hadn’t eaten that fruit!” Or did their mom say, “Why did you just stand there and keep your mouth shut! Were you afraid of a snake?” Surely, after living in the Garden of God, where all of their needs were met without having to work, those days would weigh heavily upon their minds. Something, however, would happen that would cause their eldest son to murder his younger brother – immediate a...